Which Air Quality Solution is Right for My Home?

As a homeowner, you probably know that it’s in your best interest to improve your indoor air quality. However, you might not fully understand some of your options or know your home’s best choices. In this blog, you’ll find a list of three common IAQ products that we offer, a brief explanation of what they are and do, and why you should schedule a visit with one of our Morris County indoor air quality specialists to identify what is the best for your home.

Here is a quick rundown of the three types of IAQ products we offer, and a few of their benefits:

Air Purifier

If you’re looking to help get rid of fungus, molds, and bacteria, an air purifier is what you need. While there is a range of models available on the market, many use a combination of a filter and an electrical charge to kill pathogens on contact. Here at Efficient Air, we offer Carrier brand whole-home air purifiers equipped with Air Knight technology — a highly efficient technology that both seeks and destroys pollutants in a home.


If your home has trouble achieving the ideal moisture levels, a humidifier is a great investment. Through the use of steam or water vapor, this nifty device increases moisture levels in the air of your home and helps to prevent problems like itchy skin and sore throats. You might even see your overall health improve. If you’re interested in a humidifier, we offer Carrier Performance humidifiers.

Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV)

An Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) is a device that is connected to a HVAC system’s ductwork and works to both bring in fresh air and remove stale air from the home. Through a Carrier Performance & Comfort series ventilator from Efficient Air, you will feel like your windows are open, letting in fresh air, but you won’t be experiencing the adverse symptoms of the pollutants open windows typically let in.

Contact Us for IAQ Solutions Now!

Now that summer is turning to fall, it’s more important to get ahead of relieving those fall allergies. When you choose us, you can count on our ENERGY STAR, EPA, and NATE-certified technicians to select the most effective solution for your property’s needs. Our team does this by utilizing their experience with all of the state-of-the-art products mentioned above, and so much more.

To schedule one of our residential indoor air quality experts to come out to your home in Morris County or a surrounding county in New Jersey, contact us!